Online Instructor-Led Course Logistics
Combine the personal attention of an instructor with the flexibility of online learning. Courses have virtual sessions and defined start and end dates. All materials are provided online. Review the schedule for specific session times.
Length of Course
An online designation course runs five weeks, with a final exam open for one week following the last virtual classroom session.
Time Commitment
Students should expect to spend 8 to 10 hours per week on the course, including the virtual classroom sessions. One week of a five-week, online course is about equal to one day of a five-day, classroom course.
Virtual Attendance
Students are required to attend two-hour sessions, instructor-led virtual classroom sessions per week. The sessions are scheduled on weekdays, typically in the late afternoon or evening. For exact times dates and times within each course, search find a course.
Virtual Format
The virtual classroom is an online, multimedia setting where instructors lecture on key concepts using slides and other presentation materials. Students can participate through both verbal and written communication.
Assignments include text readings, practice problems, and short assessments. Other assignments may be assigned by the instructor to accompany the material. Assignments and readings should be completed prior to the corresponding virtual session; detailed assignments and due dates will be provided by the instructor.
Instructor Availability
Instructors will be available outside the class hours during office hours, which are scheduled by the instructor.
Final Exam
The final exam will be available online after the last virtual session and must be completed in one session. Final exam timeframes vary, some exams must be completed in two hours while others are open for four or five hours. Students cannot start and stop the exam. For example, if a course's last virtual session was on Wednesday evening, students have until the following Wednesday evening to find a block of time in which to take the exam, such as from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. At the end of the block of hours, the exam will close and students will not be permitted to reenter.