Guidelines for Use of Candidate Membership
Requirements of Candidacy
You are encouraged to become a candidate and take advantage of the benefits and services of The CCIM Institute at the time you register for your first course. Candidacy is required in order to qualify for the Fast Track Program, submit a Portfolio of Qualifying Experience, take the Comprehensive Examination, and be awarded the CCIM Designation. Candidacy becomes effective after submitting the Application for Candidacy along with the annual fee and successful completion of a course through The CCIM Institute.
Annual Candidacy Dues
All dues are payable in U.S. dollars only
- U.S. members: $695
- Canadian members: $420
- Outside the U.S. and Canada: $195
Dues payments and contributions are non-refundable. The CCIM Institute estimates that 1 percent of its dues and service fees are allocated to lobbying/political expenses. Government members are exempt from lobbying/political expenses.
Guidelines for Using The CCIM Institute Candidacy
Dues paying candidate members of The CCIM Institute who are pursuing the CCIM Designation may state in their resume and bio “I am a candidate pursuing the CCIM Designation”.
Candidates may not display the CCIM Designation or logo. No mention of candidacy status may be made on business stationary, in advertising, brochures, contracts, documents, promotional materials, or any other publications.
Membership in a local CCIM Chapter does not in any way provide any additional rights or opportunities to use the CCIM logo or trademark.
Inappropriate use of The CCIM Institute candidacy is defined as:
- A person who references themselves as a CCIM Designee or CCIM candidate and/or uses The CCIM Institute logo on communication or marketing-whether it is verbal, written, electronic, or for personal business-prior to passing The CCIM Institute Comprehensive Exam and/or payment of annual dues to The CCIM Institute and being certified by The CCIM Institute
- A person who uses The CCIM Institute logo in their company or personal business and is not a CCIM Designee because of non-payment of dues or failure to pass the Comprehensive Exam
Appropriate use of The CCIM Institute candidacy is defined as:
- A person who references their candidacy status within a resume and/or biography
For example:
"Your Name, title, company, city, a candidate pursuing the CCIM Designation. Last Name is pursuing the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) Designation conferred by the organization."
Ethical Practice
As members of The CCIM Institute, candidates and Designees are subject to The CCIM Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Standards policies and procedures. Complaints against Institute candidates who are REALTORS® may be processed in accordance with the NAR Code of Ethics through the local REALTOR® organization. Complaints against Institute candidates who are not REALTORS® are made directly to the Institute. Contact the Professional Standards Officer at 800-627-7071, extension 4472, or email membership@ccim.com.
Ethics Complaints:
- Complaints must involve one or more Institute members as the Respondent and Complainant who have reason to believe unethical practice by an Institute member has occurred
- Statement must be typewritten and submitted on CCIM-PS Form 2 within 180 days after the relevant facts could have been known
- Respondent receives the Complaint and is invited to provide a Response within 30 days
- The response will be provided to the Complainant within 15 days of receipt
- The Grievance Committee will review the documentation presented
- Complaint will be referred to Professional Standards Committee for a hearing or dismissed
Misuse of the Designation
In order to protect the integrity of the CCIM Designation, misuse of the Designation by candidates is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action, including recourse by the Institute and the National Association of REALTORS® to state real estate licensing agencies. Report Designation misuse to misuse@ccim.com.
Loss of Candidacy Status
The CCIM Institute candidates lose their status by not maintaining membership in the Institute. In addition, their status may be suspended or terminated by The CCIM Institute for cause and/or criminal and other unlawful activity, including violations as set forth in The CCIM Institute Bylaws (111.8).
Reinstatement of Candidacy
Candidacy may be reinstated by submitting the annual dues of $695. Any former candidate who is reinstated is subject to the curriculum and Designation rules in effect at the time of reinstatement.