
Earning Elective Credits
Meet Your Elective Credit Requirement
The CCIM Institute candidate members must earn two full elective credits as part of their Designation requirements. These can be earned through non-Designation courses, eligible transfer credits, and continuous candidacy. If you have questions about elective credits, contact
Other Credit Options
Transfer Elective Credits
Elective credits may be granted for certain graduate courses, professional certifications, or educational offerings. Download the application (91 KB, PDF).
Continuous Candidacy Credit
1.0 elective credit for each 12 consecutive months of candidate membership. Awarded upon renewal of membership after 12 full months.
Course Listing by Credit Awarded
Courses - 1.0 credit
- Advanced Commercial Real Estate Development Practices
- Course Concepts Review (CCR) for the Comprehensive Exam
- Foundations for Success in Commercial Real Estate
- Introduction to Development Workshop
- Real Estate Financial Analysis Using Excel
Courses - 0.5 credit
- Advanced Market Analysis for Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Real Estate Negotiations
- Preparing to Negotiate
Courses - 0.25 credit
- 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange
- Basics of Commercial Real Estate Accounting
- Before and After Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
- Build Your Own DCF Model in Excel
- Calculating Building Size for Development
- Capital Markets: Making the Case for Investment Real Estate
- Commercial Loan Underwriting
- Commercial Real Estate Asset & Portfolio Management
- Communication Skills for Business Professionals
- Construction: Cost Estimating and Scheduling
- Construction: Introduction to Building Information Management
- Construction: Management and Project Delivery Methods
- Controlling the Deal
- Corporate Services Representation
- Creating Reliable Valuations
- Disposition Analysis for Commercial Real Estate
- Essential HP 10bII Financial Calculator Skills
- Evaluating Industrial Development Projects
- Evaluating Medical Office Building Development Projects
- Evaluating Mixed-Use Development Projects
- Evaluating Mobile Home Park Investments
- Evaluating Office Building Development Projects
- Evaluating Retail Development Projects
- Evaluating Self-Storage Investments
- Feasibility Analysis for Commercial Real Estate
- Financial Analysis Tools for Commercial Real Estate
- Financial Modeling for Real Estate Development
- Fundamentals of Real Estate Auctions
- Ground Lease Fundamentals
- High Tech Marketing for Commercial Real Estate
- Improve Retail Investment Return Using GIS
- Increasing Commercial Real Estate Value with Cost Segregation
- Introduction to Commercial Real Estate
- Lease Modification Strategies and Solutions
- Lease Versus Own Comparative Analysis
- Leveraging the Historic Tax Credit
- Loan Amortization in Commercial Real Estate
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit Financing
- MIRR and Capital Accumulation
- Real Estate Development: Acquisitions
- Real Estate Development: Approvals and Permits
- Real Estate Development: Building Development
- Real Estate Development: Building Operations
- Real Estate Development: Building Renovation
- Real Estate Development: Dispositions
- Real Estate Development: Environmental Factors
- Real Estate Development: Financing
- Real Estate Development: Land Banking
- Real Estate Development: Land Development
- Real Estate Development: Land Packaging
- Real Estate Development: Market Studies & Marketing Strategies
- Real Estate Development: Physical Improvements
- Real Estate Development: Property Redevelopment
- Real Estate Development: Transportation & Accessibility
- Real Estate Receiverships
- Real Estate Risk Analysis
- Real Estate Tax Update
- Residential Real Estate Financial Analysis
- Senior Housing: Fundamentals and Benchmarks
- Splitting Profits in Commercial Real Estate
- Successful Strategies for Tenant Representation
- Surviving Volatile Markets: Mitigating Lease Risk
- Syndication and Crowdfunding Workshop
- Troubled Assets and Opportunities During Economic Downturns
- Unlocking Value and Capital with Sale-Leasebacks
- Using Excel as Your Financial Calculator
- Variations, Manipulations, and Extensions of the IRR
- Working With Fiduciaries