The following tuition costs are broken down for both the Designation curriculum and the Robert L. Ward Center for Commercial Real Estate Studies Courses.
The CCIM Designation Curriculum
CI 101 - Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate
Members: $1,299 | REALTOR®: $1,599 | Non-members: $1,899
CI 102 - Market Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate
Members: $1,499 | Non-members: $1,899
CI 103 - User Decision Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate
Members: $1,499 | Non-members: $1,899
CI 104 - Investment Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate
Members: $1,499 | Non-members: $1,899
Commercial Real Estate Negotiations
Pricing may vary based on format and location.
Preparing to Negotiate
Members: $389 | Non-members: $429
Ethics Course
Members: FREE | REALTORS®: $29 | Non-members: $49
Core Concepts Review
Members: $810
Robert L Ward Center for Commercial Real Estate Studies Courses
Specialty Programs
Development Specialty Track
This program provides commercial real estate developers, investors, and consultants with an understanding of the resources and business practices required for successful development projects. The program content is structured around the Real Estate Development Matrix designed by Daniel Kohlhepp, Ph.D., Academic Program Director for Real Estate and Infrastructure at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.
Individual Courses
1031 Tax Deferred Exchange
Members: $139 | REALTORS®: $159 | Non-members: $179
Advanced Market Analysis for Commercial Real Estate
Pricing may vary based on location.
Basics of Commercial Real Estate Accounting
Members: $229 | REALTORS®: $249 | Non-members: $269
Before and After Tax Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Build Your Own DCF Model in Excel
Members: $175 | REALTORS®: $195 | Non-members: $215
Building a Commercial Real Estate Consulting or Investing Business
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Calculating Building Size for Development
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Capital Markets: Making the Case for Investment Real Estate
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
CI Concepts Revisited: Methods and Models
Designees: $270 | Designees; with CE credit: $295
Commercial Loan Underwriting
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Commercial Real Estate Asset & Portfolio Management
Members: $229 | REALTORS®: $249 | Non-members: $269
Commercial Real Estate Negotiations
Pricing may vary based on format and location.
Communication Skills for Business Professionals
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Construction: Cost Estimating and Scheduling
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Construction: Management and Project Delivery Methods
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Controlling the Deal
Members: $139 | REALTORS®: $159 | Non-members: $179
Corporate Services Representation
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-member: $229
Creating Reliable Valuations
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Disposition Analysis for Commercial Real Estate
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Essential HP 10bII Financial Calculator Skills
Members: $139 | REALTORS®: $159 | Non-members: $179
Evaluating Industrial Development Projects
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Evaluating Mixed-Use Development Projects
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Evaluating Medical Office Building Development Projects
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Evaluating Mobile Home Parks Investments
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Evaluating Office Building Development Projects
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Evaluating Retail Development Projects
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Evaluating Self-Storage Investments
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Feasibility Analysis for Commercial Real Estate
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Financial Modeling for Real Estate Development
Members: $139 | REALTORS®: $159 | Non-members: $179
Foundations for Success in Commercial Real Estate
Members: $412 | REALTORS®: $439 | Non-members: $471
Fundamentals of Real Estate Auctions
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Ground Lease Fundamentals
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Pricing may vary based on location.
High-Tech Marketing for Commercial Real Estate
Pricing may vary based on format and location.
Improve Retail Investment Return Using GIS
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Increasing Commercial Real Estate Value with Cost Segregation
Members: $139 | REALTORS®: $159 | Non-members: $179
Introduction to Commercial Real Estate
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Introductions to Development Workshop
Members: $985 | REALTORS®: $1135 | Non-members: $1285
Lease Versus Own Comparison and Analysis
Members: $229 | REALTORS®: $249 | Non-members: $269
Lease Modification Strategies and Solutions
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Leveraging the Historic Tax Credit
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Loan Amortization in Commercial Real Estate
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Financing
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
MIRR and Capital Accumulation
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Preparing to Negotiate
Members: $389 | Non-members: $429
Real Estate Financial Analysis Using Excel
Members: $489 | REALTORS®: $509 | Non-members: $529
Real Estate Receiverships
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Real Estate Risk Analysis
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Real Estate Tax Update
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Residential Real Estate Financial Analysis
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Pricing may vary based on location.
Senior Housing: Fundamentals and Benchmarks
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Splitting Profits in Commercial Real Estate
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Successful Strategies for Tenant Representation
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Pricing may vary based on location.
Surviving Volatile Markets: Mitigating Lease Risk
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Syndication and Crowdfunding Workshop
Members: $175 | REALTORS®: $195 | Non-members: $215
Troubled Assets and Opportunities During Economic Downturns
Members: $119 | REALTORS®: $139 | Non-members: $159
Unlocking Value and Capital with Sale-Leasebacks
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Using Excel as Your Financial Calculator
Members: $189 | REALTORS®: $209 | Non-members: $229
Variations, Manipulations, and Extensions of the IRR
Members: $215 | REALTORS®: $235 | Non-members: $255
Working With Fiduciaries
Members: $139 | REALTORS®: $159 | Non-members: $179