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The CCIM Institute Launches New Marketing Campaign to Promote how CCIM Designees Elevate the Value of the Deal

Intro Text
The CCIM Institute is undergoing a three-year awareness campaign aimed at heightening the value of the contributions that CCIM Designees bring to the deal. The new campaign will drive growth, relevance, and sustainability that will resonate with CCIM’s evolving audience across the globe.

Introducing, "Choose Excellence. Expect Results." This campaign shines a spotlight on the unparalleled value that CCIM Designees bring to the table. The focus of this campaign is engaging with allied professionals and stressing the "why" and the "how" a CCIMs skills and expertise are crucial for achieving optimal success in a deal. 

“While we know that CCIM's are the commercial real estate experts, we need to get other affiliated professionals, whether it is those in wealth management, CPAs, attorneys, or civil engineers, to understand that Designees are the experts in their field,” explains Robby Eaves, CCIM, the 2024 Marketing Committee Chair. “The message is, ‘Turn to the experts, who are CCIMs.’”

The CCIM Institute is committed to sharing this expert knowledge, expertise, and skillset with allied professionals who are seeking to elevate the deal and provide remarkable returns on investment for their clients.  

“It is a push to really make the brand and Designation staples for everyone affiliated with a real estate transaction,” says Leslie Biskner, CCIM, 2024 Marketing Committee Vice Chair. “When we engage with professionals throughout every aspect of a commercial real estate deal, if they don't know what it is, we make sure they understand what it means to have the Designation and how important it is to work with professionals who hold our level of expertise.”

Why “Choose Excellence. Expect Results."? 

The theme was selected because excellence permeates every aspect of the rigorous curriculum completed by CCIM Designees. From the top-tier instruction from today's industry leaders to displaying ethics and a proven portfolio of successful deals, the CCIM Designation signifies a superior standard of excellence.

What Happens When You Opt for Excellence?

Results follow. Not only do your clients experience enhanced ROIs, but your transaction partners also enjoy smoother processes facilitated by the integrity and expertise of CCIM Designees. Every participant in the deal gains from heightened knowledge, yielding meaningful outcomes for all involved.

Biskner says she has some clients, who are not CCIMs, which have assembled entire teams of CCIMs. “They do that because they know that the deal will go smoothly, and the transaction will be seamless.” she adds.

CCIMs Can Add to the Campaign’s Impact

The CCIM Institute will share with members several tools to utilize at both the local and national levels. You can make full use of these resources, as they are designed to enhance communication and raise awareness in print and on social media.

Consider these tools as a foundation to showcase the expertise that Designees bring to the table to allied professionals in your market. As coverage expands, we urge you to continue sharing your experiences. You are the foremost ambassadors for the CCIM Designation. 

You can start preparing for the campaign now by ensuring your member profile is up to date with your skills, an updated picture, and your current contact information. This is crucial because the campaign will guide allied professionals to a dedicated webpage to easily find CCIMs in their local area to work with. 

"Updating your member profile ensures that your online presence accurately reflects your skills and expertise as a CCIM Designee, making it easier for potential clients and partners to find and connect with you," says Eaves. 

Keep an eye out this June for the rollout of the CCIM Designation marketing campaign. ■

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