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Guidelines for Use of Designation Membership

Requirements for Maintaining CCIM Designee Status

A CCIM is a Designated member of The CCIM Institute. Only CCIM Designees have earned the right to display the CCIM Designation and The CCIM Institute logo. Only Designees may wear The CCIM Institute pin and display The CCIM Institute plaque. Members retain the CCIM Designation by maintaining their membership in the Institute. U.S. Designees are also required to be members of the National Association of REALTOR® as either a REALTOR® or affiliate member of The CCIM Institute through their local REALTOR® organization. REALTOR® benefit from the networking, educational benefits, professional recognition, enforcement of the NAR Code of Ethics, and other services only available to member firms. The CCIM Institute Affiliate membership allows the individual U.S. CCIM who wishes to meet the minimum requirements of membership in NAR to maintain the CCIM Designation and benefit from the Affinity discounts. Affiliate members may not use the term REALTOR®, serve as local president, or participate in the MLS by virtue of membership.

All dues for The CCIM Institute are payable in U.S. dollars only.

  • U.S. members: $775
  • Canadian members: $500
  • Outside the U.S. and Canada: $195

Dues payments and contributions are non-refundable. The CCIM Institute estimates that 1 percent of its dues and service fees are allocated to lobbying/political expenses. Government members are exempt from lobbying/political expenses.

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Guidelines for Using the Designation

The CCIM Designation and logo are registered trademarks of the National Association of REALTOR® licensed to The CCIM Institute for their exclusive use, subject to The CCIM Institute's Bylaws and Policies and Procedures as they exist and may be changed or modified by the Board of Directors. Upon receiving the CCIM Designation, a Designee has the right to use and identify themselves as a Designee of The CCIM Institute and partake of the member services provided by The CCIM Institute so long as they remain a “member in good standing” in accordance with the policies and procedures as established by the Institute and the Board of Directors, including being current in payment of all financial obligations to The CCIM Institute. The CCIM Institute congratulates members on the extensive process required to obtain their CCIM Designation and will reasonably work with every Designee to assist them in maintaining their active status. Membership in a local CCIM Chapter does not in any way provide any additional rights or opportunities to use The CCIM Institute logo or trademark to any individual that is not an active Designee of the Institute. In the event a Designee voluntarily or involuntarily is no longer a member in good standing of The CCIM Institute, they must immediately cease from the following:

Use and access to member services provided by the Institute such as Site To Do Business, DealShare, Find a CCIM, etc.

May no longer use The CCIM Institute logo or identify themselves as a CCIM in any public or private manner such as:

  • Business cards
  • Corporate letterhead
  • Display advertisements
  • Electronic communications (websites, email, portals, etc.)
  • Client proposals
  • Internal or external communications
  • Personal resumes
  • Guidelines for Using The CCIM Institute Logo

Personal Use

A CCIM may display The CCIM Institute logo without the phrase “Individual Member” on business cards, stationery, and an individual website if The CCIM Institute name is the only name printed.

Corporate Use

If The CCIM Institute logo is used on a company website and/or on stationary, the phrase “Individual Member” must accompany The CCIM Institute logo whether or not the name of the individual CCIM Designee appears. A CCIM must reside in the particular office from which the published materials were initiated. No logo with The CCIM Institute may appear on the business cards of individuals who are not CCIM Designees.

Chapter Use

The CCIM Institute Chapters and other groups authorized by The CCIM Institute may display The CCIM Institute logo on appropriate documents, materials, and products.

Advertising and Signage

If the name of the individual CCIM Designee affiliated with an organization is not specifically cited in an advertisement or signage, The CCIM Institute logo may not be used. If the name of the CCIM Designee is not the only name that appears, the phrase “Individual Member” must accompany The CCIM Institute logo.

Ethical Practice

As members of The CCIM Institute, candidates and Designees are subject to The CCIM Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Standards policies and procedures. Complaints against Designees who are REALTOR® may be processed in accordance with the NAR Code of Ethics through the local REALTOR® organization. Complaints against Designees who are affiliates are made directly to The CCIM Institute. Contact the Professional Standards Officer at (800) 621-7027, ext. 4472, or email

Ethics Complaints

Complaints must involve one or more Institute members as the Respondent and Complainant who have reason to believe unethical practice by a member of The CCIM Institute has occurred.

  • Statement must be typewritten and submitted on The CCIM Institute Complaint Form within 180 days after the relevant facts could have been known
  • The Grievance Committee will review the documentation presented
  • Complaint will be referred to Professional Standards Committee for a hearing or dismissed

Misuse of the Designation

If any former Designee continues to use The CCIM Institute logo and/or trademark for which they are no longer entitled, The CCIM Institute may exercise some or all of the following actions:

  • Submit a cease-and-desist letter
  • Refer former member's violation to Professional Standards and Grievance Committee of the local and/or state REALTOR® Association for a possible Code of Ethics violation
  • Refer violation to former member's state licensing authority for possible violation of respective state's licensing laws and rules
  • Initiate a legal action in Court of Competent Jurisdiction for possible trademark infringement and judgment

The individual, company, or organization shall cease and desist using The CCIM Institute logo or letters upon notice by The CCIM Institute. Further, The CCIM Institute reserves the right to initiate a lawsuit to enforce these provisions. The CCIM Institute will notify state and local real estate boards concerning a licensee violation of The CCIM Institute logo by a student, candidate, or Designee of The CCIM Institute. Report Designation misuse to

Loss of the Designation

CCIM Designees lose the Designation when they cease to maintain their member status. In addition, the Institute may suspend or terminate an individual for cause and/or criminal and other unlawful activity (The CCIM Institute Bylaws111.8).

Reinstatement of the Designation

Former Designees who have resigned or whose membership has lapsed may be reinstated by paying the current year's dues ($775), a $200 reinstatement fee, a $100 late fee, plus any outstanding assessments levied during the period. Once payment is received and all other requirements as determined by The CCIM Institute have been fulfilled, status will be reinstated. Questions regarding reinstatement may be directed to