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Candidate Membership

This membership type is appropriate for most commercial real estate practitioners including those who are pursuing the CCIM Designation. It requires no additional designations or advanced degrees.

Commercial real estate professionals who do not plan to earn the CCIM Designation may still benefit from the candidate membership and can access all courses. 

Annual Dues

U.S.: $695 | Canada: $420 | International: $195

Dues will prorate in your shopping cart if you are joining after Jan. 31. Prices vary across member types because of the member benefits available to each area.

Membership Types

Candidate MembershipGeneral membership for US Residents.Join Now
Canadian Candidate MembershipMust reside in Canada.Join Now
International Candidate MembershipMust reside outside of the US & Canada for at least 9 months annually.Join Now
Government Candidate MembershipMust be a US government employee or enlisted in the military.Join Now


Member Benefits



US MembersCanadian MembersInternational Members
Site To Do Business for Real Estate Professionals 
CCIM Connections Magazine 
Tuition Discounts
CCIM DealShare


  • Designee members are publicly displayed.
  • Designee members can search for candidates.
Excel Templates
CCIM Business Forms
Excel CCIM Financial Calculator
Member Advantage Program
SelectLeaders CCIM Career Center