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Diversity, Veterans Scholarships Open Doors, Recipients Pay it Forward

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The CCIM Institute's Foundation's Named Education Scholarship Supports CCIM Designees, Fuels Critical Pipeline

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Faith and Family: How Commercial Real Estate Paved a Prosperous Path for Candis Pressley, CCIM

Candis J. Pressley, CCIM, MSRE is the Founder and CEO at Trinity Property Advisors. Candis acts as a strategic planner and advisor for her clients in their investment real estate goals. She is also relaunching the Philadelphia Real Estate Entrepreneur Academy, a real estate school in Philadelphia. One of her goals is to introduce commercial real estate as a career path for minorities in the area and as an investment vehicle. Listen to our newest blog to learn more about Candis and her commercial real estate narrative in 'Faith and Family: How Commercial Real Estate Paved a Prosperous Path for Candis Pressley, CCIM.